3 Reasons You Should Go Hands-Free

We’ve all seen hands-free faucets before. You know, the ones at restaurants, stores and offices that automatically turn on when it senses your hands below. But these aren’t just for commercial buildings, they are now making their way into residential homes as well! If you’re building a home, in the middle of a remodel, or just simply thinking about updating the faucets in your home, hands-free may be a great option for you. Here are three of the top reasons hands-free faucets may be the perfect fit for your home.

1. They’ll Conserve Water

Did you know that every time you wash your hands you use approximately 2.2 gallons of water per minute? That sounds like a lot of water for such a short period of time, right? Because hands-free faucets turn off automatically when your hands aren’t actually under them, you’ll see instant water savings. Think about it, while you’re soaping up your hands, for at least 20 seconds, the water won’t be running! Not only is conserving water better for the environment, but it can be better for your wallet as well. You may even start to see your water bill decreasing!

2. They’ll Stay Clean

We can probably all agree that cleaning the bathroom is one of the most dreaded household chores. With hands-free faucets it can make that job a little easier. You won’t have soap buildup, dirt or other mess lingering on them like you would a normal faucet. This is true for the kitchen too! If you’re cooking or doing other messy tasks, you can easily wash your hands without transferring that mess to your fixture. There is aesthetic value in a hands-free faucet because it won’t get as visibly dirty as its counterparts.

3. They’ll Prevent Germs From Spreading

Not having to actually touch the faucet has more than just visual benefit; it will help prevent the spread of germs. Germs and other particles often linger on faucets, which means they can easily transfer to your hands when cutting on and off the water. Especially, for families with children these faucets are a great addition to help keep everyone healthy.

If you have any questions about options for hands-free faucets or need help with installation, call the professionals at Eastern Plumbing.

10 (Simple) Ways to Conserve Water

Everyone wants to conserve water! After all, it’s good for the environment and good for your wallet, because it lowers your water bill. While many of us like the idea of conserving water we often don’t want to make any major lifestyle changes. The good news is that even a few small, easy changes can add up to hundreds of gallons in water saving each year! Here are 10 simple ways to conserve water!

  1. Only run your dishwasher and washing machine when they are full.
  2. When handwashing dishes, fill up the sink with water instead of letting it run the whole time that you are scrubbing.
  3. Water plants with a watering can instead of a hose.
  4. Water outdoor plants early or late in the day to reduce evaporation.
  5. Don’t use your toilet as a trash can. Not only is it bad for your pipes, but every time you flush it uses 1-3 gallons of water.
  6. Take your car to a car wash that recycles water.
  7. Look for and fix any leaks in your plumbing. Just one drop a second can add up to 5 gallons of water wasted a day!
  8. Shorten your showers. You can save about 2 gallons of water for each minute you knock off your shower time.
  9. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, scrubbing your hands and shaving.
  10. Use a broom, not a water hose, to clean walkways and driveways.

BONUS: To maximize your water conservation, and lower your monthly bill, consider installing a low-flow shower head and efficient toilet that uses less than 1.6 gallons per flush.

For assistance with all of your plumbing needs, bad for your pipes!

World Toilet Day – Raise a Stink

The toilet is something many of us take for granted. We use it every day without giving it any thought and we only seem to appreciate it when there isn’t one around, like on long car rides or a day at the beach. Could you imagine being part of the 30% of the world population that doesn’t have access to a toilet at all?

What is World Toilet Day?

In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly designated November 19th as World Toilet Day. They recognized the need for an international day to draw attention to the global sanitation crisis. Today, for billions of people around the world, sanitation systems are either non-existent or ineffective.

According to the United Nations, more than 2.6 billion people live without a toilet. In other words, 1 in 3 people on this planet still do not have access to a clean, safe toilet. More people in the world have a cell phone than a toilet. This is the day to stand up (or sit down if you prefer) and take action!

Why is a toilet so important?

Your toilet is more important than you may think. In fact, the average person spends more than one hour and 42 minutes a week on the toilet, or nearly 92 days over their lifetime. A clean and safe toilet ensures health, dignity and well-being.

Lack of access to sanitation facilities doesn’t just cause discomfort, it also leads to a variety of diseases and can contaminate drinking water. Proper toilet facilities could save the lives of more than 200,000 people in the world. In countries facing this crisis about 1,000 children die per day due to poor sanitation. They are dying from diseases linked to unhygienic living conditions, inadequate facilities, malnutrition, and lack of clean water supplies. These deaths are preventable.

Without proper facilities, not only are people exposed to diseases, they also become vulnerable to harassment and even attack, especially women and children who are often forced to wait until the cover of darkness to relieve themselves.

Clean and safe toilets also keep more girls in schools and increase attendance rates. Most schools in developing countries do not have bathrooms. Faced with discomfort and embarrassment, many girls decide to stay home from school or even drop out when they reach puberty.

What can you do?

Toilets are not a topic that are a part of everyday conversation, unless you’re like us at Eastern Plumbing. Help break the ‘toilet taboo’. Talk to friends, family and colleagues about this global crisis and encourage them to join the sanitation movement. Bring attention to needs around the world and add to the conversation. Spread awareness by using the hashtags #WorldToiletDay, #WeCantWait and #ToiletAccessIsARight on social media.

You can also donate to support the work of World Toilet Organization whose mission is to advocate and support building and social enterprise of sanitation projects in India, Cambodia and Mozambique. This organization lobby governments, as well as private and public sector stakeholders to prioritize sanitation on the agenda.

The toilet is something many of us take for granted. On this day, we are reminded just how fortunate we are to have access to such basic sanitation items. At Eastern Plumbing we know how inconvenient it is to go without a toilet for a day or even a few hours, so lets help raise awareness and tackle the world sanitation crisis.

Is it Safe to Drink Tap Water?


Some of you would never dare drink water straight from the sink. Some of you may even be so concerned about the quality of your tap water that you’ve started buying bottled water instead. But really, is tap water safe to drink?

Well, the simple answer is YES!

Generally speaking, in the United States, you can drink from the tap with no risk to your health. The tap water we drink, cook with, and bathe in typically comes from either surface water sources like streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, or from underground sources like aquifers and permeable rocks that can store and transmit water. The Safe Drinking Water Act was passed in 1974. This Act made the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) responsible for setting the standards for safe public drinking water coming from all of these sources.

A study commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund International found that bottled water is not safer or healthier than tap water. The study concluded that some bottled water only differs from tap water merely by the fact that is distributed in bottles rather than through pipes.

If you have any questions or concerns about your tap water you can contact your community water supplier. The Center for Disease Control requires that every community water supplier provide an annual report, sometimes called a Consumer Confidence Report, or “CCR,” to its customers. This report provides information on local drinking water quality, including the water’s source, contaminants found in the water, and how consumers can get involved in protecting their drinking water.

Just remember though, you should always be aware of any boil water advisories, in the event that water supplies in your area become contaminated.

Now that you know your tap water is safe, make sure the pipes it gets to you through are always well maintained. We are here to help you with any repairs.

Contact Eastern Plumbing: With over 15 years of service experience, we have helped thousands of homeowners in Eastern, NC with their plumbing needs. Our top-notch plumbing technicians can accurately diagnose and quickly fix any plumbing problem you may have.

We’re available 24/7 for any plumbing emergency, contact Eastern Plumbing today.

All About the Plunger


It has saved you many times. It always has your back. When there is nobody to turn to, it can always be the hero in your war with the toilet (and kitchen sink! How to unplug your kitchen sink using a plunger). Everyone has one but most people don’t really know it’s story, and a lot don’t know the proper way to yield one.

Best All-Around

The plunger has a very shady past. The exact inventor and invention date are not known. What is known is that the science behind what makes plungers effective is utilized by many different industries, like in music, auto care and healthcare. It’s effectiveness and usefulness has made it one of the most versatile household instruments around today.

They’re Diverse

There area couple different types of plungers. The classic version is known as the cup plunger. This type is best for sinks, bathtubs and showers. There is also the toilet plunger, which has an additional flap on the inside. The accordion plunger is made of plastic, has a smaller cup and several layers to get maximum suction. The Taze plunger is for more commercial-style clogs, and has a composition that is a little more complicated.

Treat it Well

Make sure to clean your plunger after each use. This will disinfect the germs that are located on the cup and help with potentially bad smells. It is also a good idea to invest in a form of storage for your plunger if it does not come with one. This will aid you in not having to search for it in your time of need as well as protect it from damages.

Game Plan

Before the battle starts, make sure you choose to correct weapon. Figure out the best plunger for your needs. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts, plug all drains around you. This includes showers and sinks. Another expert tip is to spread petroleum jelly on the outside of the plunger. Now it’s time to rock and roll. Be sure to stretch and warm up, and get your mind right. After you ensure the entire rim of the cup is touching the toilet and surrounding the hole, start plunging as linear as possible. Alter the speed of force you use for about 30 seconds, and then try again. If this doesn’t get the job done, it may be time to call in Eastern Plumbing for some backup.

All Natural Cleaners – Ingredients & Recipes

Natural cleaners and ingredients can help you save time, money and make your home safer. Each appliance and surface requires a different type of cleaner. It is important to realize that these natural options are only meant for certain appliances and surfaces. Below is a list of some of the most popular natural cleaners as well as some recipes.


These individual ingredients have many uses when used alone. These can be found in grocery stores, home improvement stores and most of these could probably be found in your home right now!


Lemons have strong cleaning properties in addition to a great, clean scent. This can be used in multipurpose cleaners as well as refrigerators and floors.


Vinegar can be used to clean because of its bacteria killing properties. Specifically, white vinegar can be used all around the house to clean surfaces like the toilet, microwave and countertops. Vinegar can be mixed with water in a spray bottle for easy application.

Baking soda

Baking soda has natural cleaning and deodorizing qualities to make it a very effective alternative to chemicals. It can be sprinkled on the surface or a sponge and used to clean the sink, oven or your grill.


Borax can be used to clean carpets and pests. It can also be used to get outdoor furniture ready for the summer and to clean the garbage disposal.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic and a natural bleaching and cleaning agent. It has many uses; like disinfecting, removing mold, washing carpets, floors and windows and even mouthwash!

Essential oils

Natural essential oils have two important qualities that can boost any natural cleaning recipe; their natural scent and their cleaning properties. They are naturally non-toxic while still being effective at killing germs.


Using all-natural ingredients, these recipes are non-toxic and are safe for use in the home. There are no harmful chemicals in these recipes that could lead to health hazards for you, your family or your pets.

All purpose cleaner 

Hydrogen peroxide, lavender essential oil, lemon essential oil and peppermint essential oil

Carpet Cleaner 

Baking soda and Borax powder

Glass Cleaner 

Hot water, cornstarch, rubbing alcohol and white vinegar

Drain Cleaner

Boiling water, baking soda and white vinegar

Laundry Soap 

Borax, Washing soda and organic/homemade soap

Air Freshener 

Baking soda and essential oil of choice

Saving Water Indoors – 6 Tips

The United States Environmental Protection Agency reports that the average American family of four uses about 400 gallons of water per day, and 70 percent of that is used indoors. The fact is that a lot of this water is wasted through overuse or leaks. This can lead to a lot of money thrown “down the drain.” Here are a few ways to save water and subsequently; money.

Check all pipes and faucets for leaks

Leaky pipes and faucets are one of the biggest contributors to water waste every year. Make sure to check all around your house for wet spots and puddles to avoid paying more for your water bill each month.

FACT: According to National Geographic, leaks contribute to about 14% of your average water use each day.

Take shorter showers

Showers can be a very comforting oasis, especially in the early morning. But, several gallons of water are used each moment you spend in there.

TIP: Use a kitchen timer to make sure you are only taking 3-5 minute showers. Your wallet will thank you.

Install a low-flow shower head

Switching to a more modern and efficient shower head can save you water and money. Look into investing in a water-wasting solution and start saving today.

FACT: Energy.gov reports that installing low-flow showerheads can save you up to 60% each year.

Don’t leave water running while brushing teeth, washing hands etc.

Several gallons of water go down the drain each time you brush your teeth and/or wash your hands. Instead of letting it run, turn off the water while you are brushing and washing.

TIP: Use a cup to moderate the amount of water you use while you brush your teeth. Instead of letting it run, dab you toothbrush out and use a small cup to rinse your mouth.

Wash full loads of clothes and dishes

Your dishwasher and washing machine are two of the biggest users of water in the house. To avoid having to use them too often, make sure to do full loads to not waste water. Good news is there are many washers that have a light wash option. Also, most modern washing machines (clothes and dishes) have an eco option when it comes to cycles. Another option is to clean food and dishes in sitting water instead of running it. Before you put dishes into the dishwasher, do not pre-rinse dishes. This uses more water than needed, and most dishwashers don’t require pre-rinsing.

TIP: Stay away from the permanent press cycle. This cycle uses more water than any other option.

Store cold water in the refrigerator

Keeping cool drinking water in the refrigerator instead of waiting for tap water to get cold can save lots of time, money and water.

TIP: You can also use this water for watering plants so your hose is not constantly running while in use.

Minimize garbage disposal use

The garbage disposal uses a large amount of water to be able to run. It can be easy to just put waste down the drain, but it requires more water to break down.

TIP: Go with throwing things away in the garbage can or compost heap instead of relying too heavily on the garbage disposal.

Check toilet for malfunctions

Make sure to check your toilets all over the house to avoid costly water bills. If there is any liquid on the floor or running alongside the outer rim of the toilet, you may have a leak. Also check and see if your toilet handle is sticking. This can be another warning sign of a leak.

TIP: To check your toilet for leaks, drop about 10 drops of food coloring in the tank. Come back later to check up on the toilet. What you find may tell you something. If when you come back the water in the bowl is tinted with color, then you have a leak.

Don’t throw things away in the toilet

Each time you flush the toilet, it uses water. Some toilets are not modern, so they are using a lot more than others. While flushing in itself uses a lot of water, flushing non-compatible things can result in damaged pipes and plumbing.

TIP: Invest in a low-flush toilet and pair with this practice to achieve maximum water conservation.

Thaw in the microwave

Thawing food with warm/hot water can use a large amount of water, especially if it is running continuously. Go with the microwave for a much more eco-friendly option.

TIP: Another great water saving tip is to pour some vinegar on whatever you need to thaw. This lowers the freezing temperature and aids in breaking down the food.

Install aerators on faucets

Using a faucet aerator can help you save water and money without having to do anything. An aerator puts tiny air bubbles into the flow, resulting in less water use overall.

TIP: Faucet aerators come in different types. For rooms that need more water output, such as the kitchen, installing higher GPM (gallons per minute) aerators would be best.

Installation instructional video

Liquid Drain Cleaners – Risks


When it comes to unclogging your drains, liquid drain cleaners are easiest. They are effective and time efficient. But while they save time now, they will cost you later. After several uses, liquid chemical drain cleaners can have damaging effects to you and your plumbing.

Dangers of Chemical Cleaners

Liquid drain cleaners can have negative effects on your drains and health. Each liquid cleaner is different in its chemical makeup and its subsequent effects.


Because liquid chemical cleaners are designed to dissolve things like hair and fingernails, they can cause damage to unwanted things as well. If they get on surrounding wood or countertops, this could result in damages. Damage to your pipes themselves can also be a side effect. The chemicals in the cleaner can eat away at the pipes and result in corrosion and weakening. The bigger the clog the greater the effects due to the length of time the chemicals are stagnant and “eating.” So while the clog may have been fixed, over time this could lead to a much bigger problem down the road.


Due to the harmful effects chemical drain cleaners have on steel pipes, it is not farfetched to realize they can have harmful effects on you as well. The same chemicals that can eat away at clogs and pipes can have detrimental effects on your skin, clothes and anything it touches. The main ingredient in most chemical drain cleaners is either sodium hydroxide or sulphuric acid. Both of these are highly toxic and can lead to severe health problems if ingested by swallowing or breathing. If the chemicals get on your skin or eyes, burns and blindness can occur.

There can also be very harmful effects if chemical drain cleaners mix with other household chemicals. This can happen with something already poured down the drain or something nearby. When this happens, there is a chance of an explosive reaction that can cause any number of issues and concerns.

Better Alternatives

Instead of risking the health of your pipes and body, choose one of the alternatives to liquid chemical drain cleaners.

Enzyme Cleaners

Enzyme drain cleaners are safer liquid drain cleaners that do not contain harmful chemicals. These cleaners contain bacteria that interact with the clogs and break them down. These concentrated enzymes also kill the organic matter that can cause bad odor.  While these might be slower than chemical cleaners, they are safer to pipes and you.

Another advantage of enzyme cleaners is that they are biodegradable and environmentally-friendly. Once these bacteria are sprayed or poured, they activate and start to multiply. After the job is done, these bacteria die and are completely safe for the environment.

Physical De-Cloggers

Unclogging your drain physically yourself is much safer than chemical drain cleaners. There are no chemicals involved or harmful side effects. This can be done with a plunger, drain snake or physically removing the pipe among other methods. This eliminates the risk of pouring something down the drain.

Contact a Professional

Clogged drains can be a very tricky problem. The best solution is to enlist the help of a professional. Contact Eastern Plumbing today and we’ll get you up and running normally.

The Truth About Economy Settings on Appliances

If you’ve purchased a washing machine or dishwasher in the last few years, your model probably includes economy settings. Now’s a good time to ask, have you ever used the appliance in conservation mode? Why or why not? There can be good reasons to use, or not use, the eco-settings on your plumbing installations. Read on to learn more about when economy settings are a good idea, and when they could actually end up costing you more in utility bills.

Save Energy, Water and the Environment

Take a look at a list of Energy Star-certified dishwashers, washing machines and hot water heaters. Just about every model has a setting allowing you to conserve more. At their ideal eco-settings, you can save money twice – once for a reduction in water consumption, and once again by using less electricity or gas to heat the water. You get that, plus the satisfaction of reducing your contribution to lessening municipal reservoirs and climate-changing carbon emissions.

However, there’s another side to the economy setting story – in some cases, the option can decrease the performance of the appliance to a point where it doesn’t meet your standards. If the eco-setting can’t accomplish the job it was designed for, it won’t do you much good for saving water, energy or money. For example, if the dishwasher or washing machine doesn’t get things clean the first time, you’ll have to run it again, using more energy than you would have if you operated it in the normal mode.

Let the Buyer Beware

Where you can really run into trouble with economy settings is if you purchase an appliance based on its conservation claims, only to find that the reduced power mode doesn’t perform satisfactorily. In many cases, you may be better off buying a different unit. This is why it’s important to look beyond the Energy Star rating. Check out consumer reviews so you’ll get a sense of how the products have worked for other people.

Finally, don’t forget your own behavior plays a role in an appliance’s performance. If you overload a washer or dishwasher, or use inappropriate settings for the task, they might not work properly whether in economy mode or not. Make sure you follow all the manufacturer’s instructions before deciding that the eco-setting is what is causing the problem.

Choosing Wisely from a Wealth of Plumbing Installations

Finding a model that works for you can be tricky with so many appliance options. If you need help picking out economical appliances or plumbing installations, get in touch with an expert plumber today.

7 Easy Plumbing Tips to Save Money


Have you ever gotten a water bill that was much higher than you expected? Or have you had to call an emergency plumber because your main drain is backed up? These expenses add up, but they can easily be prevented. Follow these simple tips to save money and avoid unnecessary hassles.

Turn off the taps.

Drip. Drip. Drip. A dripping drain makes an annoying sound, but it can be even more annoying when you get your water bill. One dripping tap can waste 15 gallons of water a day and can cost you around $100 every year. Make sure all of your taps are fully closed to prevent dripping. If a fully closed tap continues to drip, call Eastern Plumbing in Greenville at 252-758-7579 because having it repaired or replaced will save you money in the long run.

Low-flow is the way to go.

A low-flow shower head is easy to install and saves much more water (and money) than a normal shower head, which can use over 42 gallons of water per shower. Your teenagers might not appreciate a low-flow head, but your wallet will.

When your toilet talks, listen.

If your toilet is talking to you by making an odd gurgling sound, it may indicate a problem with your main drain. If your main drain was put in before 1980, there’s a chance that it is made of clay and can be easily penetrated by tree roots. A gurgling toilet usually means that roots are putting pressure on your pipes and can lead to them breaking. If your toilet is talking to you, call Eastern Plumbing to inspect your pipes before it is too late.

Keep your drains happy.

With so many ways a drain can become clogged, why not help it out as much as you can? Pour a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar down your drains monthly to keep them clean and avoid buildup. This combination is better for your drains (and the environment) than harsh chemical products.

Floss and drains don’t mix.

Dental floss is good for your teeth, but bad for your drains. Make sure you throw away your floss instead of flushing it. Today’s dental floss is shred resistant and can block pipes when it enters the sewage system and joins together with other waste.

Same goes for hair.

Just like floss, hair is bad for your drains. Throw away your discarded hair instead of flushing it down the drain to avoid your toilet becoming backed up.

Test for hidden leaks.

You may be a pro at finding leaks in your home, but some can be hidden and hard to find. To test for hidden leaks, check your water meter before and after a period of time when no water has been used. If the meter has moved, there is probably a hidden leak somewhere in your home. Hidden leaks are best left to the professionals, so call Eastern Plumbing if you discover you may have one.

By following these tips, you can conserve water, lower your water bill and avoid unnecessary emergency calls to a plumber. However, if the time comes and you have an emergency, call Eastern Plumbing and our experience staff will be there for you.

7 Bad Home Plumbing Habits to Avoid

Plumbing chores are a routine household issue that everybody has to endure every now and then. Your plumbing system is critical to your home. Much like any sophisticated operation, it has rules that must be followed if you want it to run smoothly. There are some common mistakes you may not realize you are making until serious damage has occurred to your plumbing. Are you guilty of these bad home plumbing habits?

1. Leaving outside hoses connected.

A hose that is left attached to an outdoor faucet in extreme winter weather can become damaged, which may result in a leak when warmer spring weather comes. The damage usually requires a new water tap. In addition, the hose may degrade if it goes through many winter freezes.

2. Overusing drain cleaner.

Drain cleaners may seem like an effective and affordable solution to getting rid of blockages in drains if you use them carefully. When you are cleaning a drain, make sure you don’t use too much or you could corrode the drain and make the blockage worse.

3. Damaging hidden pipes.

When working on home improvement projects, don’t forget to consider where hidden plumbing pipes are located while using an electric drill, screwdriver or hammer on your drywall. If you are not careful, you can puncture a pipe, which may result in water pouring out of the wall.

4. Contaminating a septic system.

Be careful about pouring harsh chemicals or cleaner down your drain, including chlorine bleach, paint and anti-bacterial soaps. They can disrupt waste-eating bacteria in your septic tank, resulting in a sewage backup. Septic systems rely on healthy bacteria in the tank to function effectively.

5. Misusing garbage disposal.

If you have a garbage disposal in your kitchen, you know it’s a useful appliance that makes chores less strenuous. However, disposals are not trashcans. If not maintained properly, a garbage disposal can break down, block and clog drains. Read your manufacturer’s manual to find out what is and isn’t acceptable to put in your disposal.

6. Careless use of kitchen sink.

When washing dishes, it may be tempting to pour food scraps down the sink. Oils and fats should not be poured down the drain, as they will harden as they cool and block drains. Not only will you need to call a plumber, but it will also cause a terrible smell. A sink strainer is able to prevent this from happening.

7. Improper toilet flushing.

One of the most common plumbing emergencies is a blocked toilet. Never flush feminine products, wet wipes, cotton balls or q-tips. If a waste pipe becomes blocked, this may result in other pipes in your system blocking up. Anything other than human waste and toilet paper should go in a trashcan.

The best way to avoid costly repairs is to prevent problems in the first place. Make sure you explain proper plumbing procedures to all members of your household, especially young children. If you find yourself with a plumbing problem, you can trust us at Eastern Plumbing for prompt and professional solutions.

5 Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year


The New Year is an excellent time to take initiatives to better care for yourself, your family and your home. This includes your plumbing. Not all resolutions are meant to be broken! Plumbing and drains are fundamental elements of your home. They work tirelessly, but usually do not get much attention. They keep a home running smoothly. This year, along with your diet, be mindful of how you treat your plumbing. To ensure it functions better, read this list of resolutions to keep in the upcoming year.

1. Conserve water usage.

Have you ever thought about how much water you use on a daily basis? Although you might not realize, it’s easy to scale back on water usage. Start out with a simple adjustment like turning the water off while brushing your teeth every day. Before long, you’ll see a decrease in your utility bill.

2. Treat your toilet well.

Toilets work hard for you. They endure messes no one wants to deal with. That is why you should be careful with what you flush down your toilet. There are many things your toilet can’t process, such as sanitary pads, q-tips, tissues, wet wipes and more. Rather than flushing these items, put them in the trashcan.

3. Be kind to your garbage disposal.

Much like your toilet, you should be observant of what you put in your garbage disposal. Learn which items are acceptable to go inside it. Be sure to run water each time you use your disposal to avoid buildup that causes unpleasant odors in the home.

4. Keep your pipes warm during winter.

When the temperature drops, don’t let your pipes suffer in the cold weather. Burst pipes are a huge hassle and can be very expensive to repair. Make sure they are properly insulated to avoid plumbing disasters in the future.

5. Contact Eastern Plumbing as soon as possible.

This year, as soon as you notice something wrong, contact Eastern Plumbing instead of waiting until it’s too late. Plumbing issues only get worse, and more expensive, as time goes on. Our team of professionals consists of some of the most experienced and qualified plumbers working today. They are ready and available, no matter what time of day.

Not only will these resolutions ensure your plumbing will perform better, it will also lead to long-term savings. A well-run and maintained plumbing system will break less frequently and be more energy and water efficient. This means monthly savings on your utility bill with less risk for expensive repair services.

If you find yourself in need of a professional plumber to help you handle a plumbing disaster in the upcoming year, you know who to call! We wish you a happy and healthy new year, from all of us at Eastern Plumbing.