When to Replace Your Kitchen or Bathroom Faucet

October 6, 2021

When it comes to your plumbing, you should be on the lookout for signs of wear and tear or possible damage to your faucets. Your kitchen and bathroom faucets play such an important part in your everyday life that they’re easy to overlook — that is, until they start leaking!

Water leaks can lead to serious damage in your home and can turn into expensive home repairs if you don’t fix them when they first start. But if you do a minor repair and still have drips and leaks, it’s time to replace your faucet.

When to Replace Your Faucet

Faucets aren’t made to last forever, and over time they start to break down from use. The older the faucet, the less likely it will run efficiently which means your water bills could become more expensive. Here are a few signs to look for in determining when to replace your faucet:

  • Does your faucet have mineral deposits? Mineral deposits can build-up inside your faucet, causing them to perform less than optimally. It can affect appearance as well as the inner workings of the faucet.
  • Does your faucet handle stick or crack when you try to move it? Does it take a few seconds for water to come out when you turn it on? These are signs of internal rusting and corrosion. Once this happens, its time to replace it.
  • Does your faucet constantly need repairs? When your faucet needs constant repairs to function, it’s time to replace it. A few repairs here and there are normally cheaper than a full replacement, but if the repairs begin to add up, you might as well save your money and replace it.
  • What is the age of your faucet? A good rule of thumb for replacing any appliance is by its age. Most will last for about 8-10 years. If yours is nearing the end of its lifespan, it might be time to consider a replacement.
  • You may want a more efficient faucet. Older faucets can waste a lot of water, so if you’re trying to cut down on utility costs, consider getting a new modern faucet.

Damaged faucets are much more than a plumbing nuisance; they can cause serious damage in your home if not taken care of right away. So, if it’s time to replace your kitchen or bathroom faucet, call the professionals at Eastern Plumbing. We’ll help you get new faucets installed quickly and efficiently – give us a call at 252-758-7589 today!